Friday 2 October 2015

VAT for charities: advanced complexities and considerations - 4 November Cardiff

VAT for charities: advanced complexities and considerations

When: Wednesday 4 November, : 1.30 - 4.30 pm
Where: Cardiff

Delivered by Liz Maher, Director of Centurion VAT Specialists Ltd

You may have some understanding of the rules and regulations relating to VAT - and how they apply to your organisation - but your VAT considerations could be rather more complex if you are embarking on projects involving elements such as construction, collaboration or the transfer of services.

This interactive seminar will:

provide you with a more strategic understanding of the VAT issues your charity faces, specifically in relation to
  • property development projects
  • collaborations with third parties, and
  • the transfer of leisure and cultural services activities from a local authority to a newly formed charitable body

give an insight into the VAT aspects you need to understand as you explore fundraising options, covering topical issues such as

  • direct mailings,
  • the Cost Sharing Exemption and
  • the interaction of Gift Aid with VAT.

The seminar is for designed to assist those whose roles require an awareness of VAT. It will be suitable for trustees or staff who are either new to the third sector or new to taking on VAT responsibilities, who have a basic understanding of the operation of VAT and wish to develop that knowledge by considering more complex aspects of VAT management.


WCVA member
1 seminar £15, including lunch
2 seminars £25, including lunch
Non- WCVA member
1 seminar £25, including lunch
2 seminars £45, including lunch

There is an additional event on VAT for charities: an introduction in Cardiff on Wednesday 4 November 9am -1pm.

To register your interest in attending either or both seminars, please email or contact 0800 2888 329.

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