Jacqueline Brooks from The Nurture Group Network is on the look-out for Trustees.......
Dear Trustees Week: You asked about unusual ways of recruiting trustees. Well, I think my own case is probably fairly unusual - I was virtually kidnapped by the charity! I was originally recruited by The Nurture Group Network (www.nurturegroups.org) to look at their organisation as a paid freelance consultant. One of my findings was that they desperately needed trustees from a wider range of backgrounds. All of their trustees were from an educational/child psycholgy background and, for governance reasons, they needed to recruit trustees with skills in, for example, management, finance, marketing law etc.
I was asked to recruit new trustees with these different backgrounds. However, at the AGM where I was asked to report on the success of this campaign (which was considerable) I was put on the spot by being asked to become a trustee myself - the motion was seconded and suddenly I found myself agreeing!
I have now been a trustee for this incredibly effective and worthwhile charity for over a year. Basically, Nurture Groups work! They are shown to improve children's behaviour, reduce exclusion and prepare children and young people to become contributing members of society.
However, the drive to recruit trustees with a wider range of skills was so successful that we have started to run short of trustees with an educational/teaching/psychology background - which our articles will always require to be in a slight majority - nurturing is, after all, what we are all about.
I am therefore looking for new trustees (I stress I am working free of charge this time!) who have a background in teaching or nurturing in its wider sense. I have put together a full information pack which gives much more detail and is available on our website www.nurturegroups.org or from me direct - jacquelinebrooks@nurturegroups.org. Trustee week seems a perfect time to grow our board!
With best wishes to all who do such valuable work.
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