Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Laurie Naumann's Story - a Scottish trustee...

Laurie Naumann – Kingdom Housing Association
‘Over the years I've been involved with a number of charities as an employee, a trustee and simply as a member.  Although I'm still the trustee of several Scottish charities, there's one I'd like to tell you a little more about.  On a wet and windy evening late in 1977 a group of local people, including me, met in a secondary school in Fife and agreed that we wanted to establish a charitable housing association to address the needs of single people and the growth of homelessness locally.  The particular prompt was the closure of the last traditional homeless persons' hostel for men in the region. 
‘I’m therefore a founding trustee of the Association and remain proud that we've been a party to developing and managing over 3,400 houses, mainly in Fife.  The Association has played a major role not only in providing the housing but also as a path finding innovator and local leader in the provision of housing and support for homeless people and people with the full range of special housing requirements. 

‘I realise that my lengthy tenure must come to an end soon, but when thinking about that, there always seems to be another exciting bridge about to be crossed and I want to be a party to the crossing.  It’s probably the innovation that has been the most exciting.  Most rewarding over the years, however, is simply being aware that I've contributed to knowing that several thousand people have been well accommodated in the area over the years of my participation.  To a potential trustee I would say that patience is necessary; the task can be challenging in all kinds of ways, but also extremely rewarding when long standing objectives are being successfully met.’

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