Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Planning for Financial Sustainability – a trustees guide - Pembrokeshire, 08/11/12

Date: 8th November 2012
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Venue: TBC

This  workshop will provide trustees with the knowledge, tools and techniques to plan for a financially sustainable future.  The  seminar  will provide an insight into the planning mechanisms which can help an organisation adopt a more sustainable approach to their work. This will include strategic and business planning as well as fundraising strategies.

By the end of the seminar, participants will be able to:
·         Understand the importance and benefits of effective planning and be able to communicate this to others
·         Appreciate the stages involved in developing and implementing effective plans
·         Identify the most effective way to plan within your organisation
·         Lead and encourage others to participate in the planning process
·         Develop achievable and comprehensive plans

A free workshop supported by Collaborative Communities.

To reserve a place or for further information contact PAVS on 01437 769422 or

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